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The computer center at GLOBAL INSTITUTE OF PHARMACY BAREILLY is well equipped with sufficient number of computers with the latest configuration. The Institute has an RF and fiber link is providing internet facility.


Library is a collection of sources of information. It is the soul of the institution and it has an extensive collection of books, scientific and technical journals and electronic reference materials for satisfying the academic and research needs of students and faculty community.
Library is a place of which most of the collection is organized by most of the professional for utilization by most of the user in most of the time.
This Library is user-focused, innovative, and excellence driven. The library has always benefited from the institute’s culture, is pioneer in adopting new technology and is far ahead than many libraries in the region. This Library manages knowledge both in print and digital formats, ensures seamless discovery and access to these scholarly resources, and provides faculty, students, and staff with professional support to find, evaluate, manage, and use such resources

Anti Ragging

The Institution offers protection to the new entrants from the menace of ragging. In this regard, our Institute has constituted an Anti Ragging Cell and Anti Ragging Squad. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in KOPAL college campus, hostel and in student’s mess.
Anti Ragging Cell monitors and coordinate the anti ragging campaign and ensure that no incidence connected with ragging takes place within and around the campus of Kopal Group of Colleges.
Every year in the month of August, GLOBAL INSTITUTE OF PHARMACY organizes a workshop on Awareness of ragging and antiragging for students and parents together.


Canteen is located within the campus to provide meals and snacks throughout the day. Canteen is a refreshment centre for the students. The area is attractively designed with proper seating arrangement. Students of all department can go there whenever the need .It has become a place for relaxation and discussion.
"GLOBAL INSTITUTE OF PHARMACY BAREILLY is having a tidy and hygienic canteen which is important for student's health and also demonstrates to students and staff that their management cares about them. The canteen is having a cafeteria, with spacious sitting place and decorated walls.It is a right place for refreshments and to relax the budding intellectuals. The students, teaching staff and other staff enjoy tea or coffee along with fresh and hygienic snacks. The canteen at Pharmacy College also provides lunch, & the menu for each day contains varieties of delicious food. The canteen staffs are well trained in preparing food hygienically and also in hospitality.

Sports Facility

Sports are an important part of every society, country and individual. Participation in sports builds up team spirit, healthy competition and skill development which are essential elements in the development of well-balanced young people. A strong sense of sportsmanship and fair play is fostered among the whole student community. The qualities of the leadership, sharing, team spirit and tolerance are learnt from sports. Sports not only teach the students to maintain the physical stamina, but also the habit of obedience, discipline, the determination to win, willpower, etc.Every year in the month of February, GLOBAL INSTITUTE OF PHARMACY BAREILLY. organizes a sports week for students. The winners are awarded with Certificates and Medals.